Please take a look at the additional services we offer
- Root Invigoration – Encourage growth and boost tree health by improving poor soil and promoting a healthier soil environment. This process can be used to promote more growth in younger trees, improve the health of older declining trees or help the recovery of trees that have been damaged by construction or other problems such as poor planting, insect damage or disease. The treatment creates a more natural and beneficial soil environment which encourages the development of the roots and aides in their ability to uptake water and nutrients. This can improve the health and growth of the plant. Click to learn more
- Fruit Tree Programs – We monitor and apply regular treatments to your fruit trees to manage insect and disease issues so you can enjoy the fruit! Pruning should also be performed to maintain the optimal shape for fruit production.
- Vegetation Control – Both post and pre-emergent treatments to manage various unwanted and invasive plants such as poison ivy, bittersweet and other weeds.
- Ornamental Pruning – Corrective and maintenance pruning for your trees, such as removing dead, diseased or damaged branches and also pruning to thin out or shape the tree. Also pruning for fruit trees to maintain the optimal shape for fruit production. Not only can this improve the look of the plants, it will also help keep them healthy and growing properly.
- Perimeter Insect Treatments – The outside areas of your house and other outdoor structures such as sheds are treated to help prevent and manage home invading insects such as ants, spiders, and stink bugs.
- Animal Repellent Treatments – Your plants are treated with natural repellent products on a routine basis to help deter deer, rabbits and other wildlife from feeding on them.
- Winter Protection Treatments – The cold winter winds can damage your evergreen trees and shrubs by causing them to lose moisture through their leaves and needles faster than they can replace it, causing them to desiccate, or dry up. We can apply an anti-desiccant to your plants, giving them a protective coating to help reduce this moisture loss during the winter. This can also be applied when planting or trans-planting to help reduce moisture loss.
- Bark Beetle Treatments – The trunks of your important landscape trees are treated to help prevent damaging bark beetles such as the Black Turpentine Beetle in pine trees and other beetles like cedar bark beetle.
- White Pine Tip Weevil Treatment – Affecting the White Pine and occasionally spruce trees as well, this pest will attack the top leader or tip of the top of the tree and cause it to die off and disrupt the proper growth of the tree. We can treat the trees to protect them from this damaging pest.
Contact us for a free quote.